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Specifically designed COURSES and several other DIGITAL PRODUCTS geared to deepen understanding and support guided practices for our clients outside of the therapy room on specific areas of need.
Digital Products
Highly valuable psychological information creatively crafted and gathered in one place to promote mental health wellness AND contribute towards consistent GROWTH of Beautiful Beings Just Like You !
Aspirations Inc. is an established family owned and operated private practice located in the community of Old Strathcona, the heart of Edmonton, since 2008. We are a small practice offering a boutique-like approach to our clientele.
Aspirations offers a holistic approach to understanding our client needs by considering the broader context of the individual and areas of potential growth. Our services focus on emotional, relational and life stressors and we offer specializations in areas of personal growth, play and sandplay therapy, trauma treatment, marital & family systems, hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, brief solution-focused therapy, mindfulness based approaches.
Registered Psychologist
Founder & Ceo of Aspirations inc.
founder & Creator of PiB, Aspire Practice, &
Psychologists in busineSS training Program
Lynne has been an exemplary, award winning leader for psychologists in business. Over the past decade she has committed to training clinical and business skills to professionals who are serious about serving others with their unique gifts within the private business sector. She has been on the active, leading edge of software development that reflects the necessary business practices to support efficient and comprehensive care of clients’ therapeutic needs from the point of contact.
She is committed to offering various wellness resources that are all geared towards supporting the overall growth, wholeness, and wellness of our clients. Lynne believes that information is a powerful tool that can empower clients to make informed decisions about how to build a satisfactory life. She has invested significant resources over the past year to develop our NEW Beautiful Beings Membership, as well as many digitally based products. Now our clients have even more ways to GROW themselves through our services, retail & digital products and membership.
Specifically designed programs and services geared to support professional development and growth within the psychology business sector.
1-1 Business Consulting Packages
On Demand Courses ~ Digital Publications
Grow your business today!
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Let us know how we can help you to book your appointment or purchase our products.
9853 90 Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 2T2, Canada