Are You Ready to Start a Psychological Business?

Having a great idea or goals for a future psychological business endeavour is exciting. But are you truly ready to take on the world with your OWN business and ideas? Read through this checklist to see if you’re truly ready. If you don’t think you’re ready just yet, print off the FREE downloadable checklist to check off each question as you go!

Are you passionate about your idea?
Do you believe fully in yourself?
Are you a self starter?
Does your idea solve a common problem?
Does your idea provide value to others?
Do you have a great business name or branding?
Are you organized?
Do you enjoy challenges?
Do you have a plan?
Do you have short and long term goals?
Are you ready to do tons of research?
Are you prepared to learn?
Do you understand the risks of business ownership?
Do you have any related experience?
Do you have the necessary skills?
Can you see yourself working with and growing your idea every single day?
Will this work be meaningful to you?
Do you have a strong support system?
Have you considered your strengths and weaknesses?

These questions may seem overwhelming, and they’re not meant to discourage your dreams. We want you to be as ready as you possibly can be, and answering these questions ensures you’re focused and can truly succeed – whether you want to launch a handmade jewelry line, or become a Registered Psychologist with your own private practice.



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