A Safe Place to GROW Your Practice


Let's be honest! You are AMAZING at what you do? You provide IMPECCABLE SERVICE to your clients. You have MASTERED your skills. You serve from your HEART. You help others to TRANSFORM using your beautiful unique gifts. You conduct yourself with HONOUR and INTEGRITY. You have a pretty solid success & return rate with your CLIENTS. Your efforts have resulted in your many ACHIEVEMENTS. You have done everything that is required for you to be SUCCESSFUL.


You have already discovered that your in-session client work is only a fraction of what is required to be successful in private practice. In order to provide impeccable service you need to serve your clients as well as manage all aspects of their service - like keeping their records up-to-date, billing, and staying on top of scheduling/rescheduling appointments. On top of all these tasks, you have to market yourself to potential new clients, keep track of all your clients paid/unpaid invoices for accounting purposes, maintain your licensing requirements, etc. Keeping all of the information needed to maintain your practice can be daunting and cumbersome. Sorting and organizing materials can utilize precious time. In the end, all of the time freedoms that you thought you'd enjoy in private practice have been swallowed up by all of the time you spend managing your business. Leaving you with little time or energy left over for you to truly GROW what BRINGS YOU JOY in your practice. Instead, the workload you carry can leave you feeling alone and unsatisfied. A recipe for BURNOUT! 


You have nothing left to prove - You no longer need to GO IT ALONE. Be part of something SUBSTANTIAL. Enjoy the comforts provided by our established brand, our beautifully furnished offices, our proprietary Aspire Practice software to manage your practice needs and MOST of ALL the CONNECTION of our Beautiful Team! Surround yourself with a team of successful, dedicated and creative business-minded Psychologists. Providing opportunities to deepen your personal connection to your business, Collaborate with peers who are also successful in their field...Laugh, Learn, Expand and GROW.


It is time to FULLY EMBRACE your SUCCESS and ENJOY what you have accomplished. 

Growing Collaborative Prosperity by Sharing our Collective Brilliance

Shared Character Traits

Our team is comprised of a collective of beautiful people who share fundamental personal attributes that engenders a professional atmosphere where we can all safely learn, explore, share, and grow. This means that each team member is mature and capable of recognizing, acknowledging, honouring regulating and owning his/her own needs/self as well as giving space for others to do the same. 


We ignite with passion as we focus our energy to serve our clients in the private sector. We aspire to achieve our highest potential in our craft so that we can attain the greatest impact for our clients. 


We ensure that our hearts and souls are aligned with the type of services we offer, to whom, and within what scope. 


We trust in our alignment to serve others. We have confidence that we will prosper through all of the ebbs-flows of business.


We are each responsible for creating and implementing our own action plans towards manifesting our unique dreams. "I create what I am." Progress is connected to our own growing process - no one else can own who you are and where you are in your own growth.   


We consider the broader context and apply this to achieve greater understanding and openness in our work with clients and in our relationships with each other. 


We lean on each other as we grow together. We believe in the power of collaboration to provide strength and perseverance to tackle, challenge, and face any growing edges that arise.  

Aspirations Inc: A Bold Vision

From our eager beginnings when we located and created our beautiful office space, our continued success is rooted in maintaining an open, creative, and expansive vision in our service to others that blends leading edge opportunities while remaining integral to our professional ethics and values. Over our years in practice, we have offered valuable professional clinical training to Masters Students and Registered Provisional Psychologists who are in the process of becoming fully licensed Psychologists in Alberta. This dedication to training has been successful in growing talented Psychologists working in various capacities within the world. These wonderful people are backed with our full confidence in their dedication, clinical skills and judgment. Her passion for training led Dr. Lynne M. Kostiuk to go beyond clinical trainings to create a specialized Psychologists in Business (PiB) training program that is aimed to support professionals who want to live their business dreams to their fullest capacity. True to our holistic approach, Aspirations Inc. has progressively brought in the use of essential oils to support therapeutic processes. A full year of development launched our Aspiring Healthy & Whole Communities Initiative that marked our 10 year anniversary, complete with a new line of apparel in support of mental health awareness. Dr. Lynne M. Kostiuk was at the forefront of technology with a decade of dedicated development before launching her proprietary practice management software, Aspire Practice, in 2020. Our next level of system development has brought forth the launching of Aspirations Inc. Store, which will sell various wellness products, as well as our mental health branded apparel. AND WE ARE NOT DONE YET! Rest Assured that our next developments will be infused with the excitement and progressive thinking that has been demonstrated thus far...who knows...you just may be a part of it!?!    

Dr. Lynne M. Kostiuk

Decades of practice has continued to ignite my passion for delivering high quality, heart-based psychological services with an overarching holistic approach. Over the years, my consistent efforts towards building Aspirations Inc. has resulted in the construction of solid business systems that have streamlined our business practices while establishing our company as a trusted and reputable brand.  


Our Clients reflect Our Passions

At our core we are a generalist practice and are privileged to support Albertans of all genders, age, and culture who are seeking ways to illuminate their strengths in order to courageously live the life that serves their highest purpose. Our team members are encouraged to pursue their own passions, which results in our members offering various specialized services and thus attracting clients who are seeking such services. Therefore, how our team members grow their professional passions is directly connected to the range of client needs that we serve.  

Acceptance Process 


  • Research information our site about our company, values, and offerings  
  • Evaluate your fit - Can you see yourself aligning with us?
  • Determine your readiness - Are you ready to grow with us? Connect and Create something bigger?
  • Submit your application & CV for review & consideration


Determining Fit
  • Initial Virtual Interview with Dr. Lynne M. Kostiuk
  • Follow up Interview - may include an in-person office tour, or meeting team members 
  • Discuss and decide upon fitness to join


Contract & Commitments
  • Gathering specific details for contract creation 
  • Contract is signed
  • Let the Magic Begin


LOVE the Business that you GROW 

What Makes Us Different

Our Practice has been established since 2008. We have rooted ourselves in community because our heart and integrity is in serving people, as we are people...in the community. We are from humble roots that share a connection to the humanity that underlies the pain, suffering and fear that interfere with personal growth. We believe in the beautiful unique essence of each person. We see the beauty even when our clients cannot. We hold space as a given human right to honour our clients as they are in their BEING. We believe in our profession and the services we offer. We have seen the power of change. We delight in witnessing the powerful transformations within our clients as they too begin to understand, see, and hold beauty in their own hearts - creating and living an integral and purposeful life.

Beautifully unique

Acknowledging that in our professional role, we integrate our own beautiful self and all of our gifts to hold witness to, hold space for, and hold promise of possibilities for those we serve. 

heart & integrity

We are living the life that we teach. We walk beside our clients - with open hearts and open minds - knowing that we too are fallible in our human-ness - that we too have experienced pain and suffering - believing that our experiences provide the opportunity to shape our being in this world. 


We hold ourselves in humble reserve as we witness the beauty in our clients, hold a vision of wholeness for them even when they cannot see. We wait and wander with patient reverence - until bit by bit the transformation unfolds.  

Association Fees 

We operate with full transparency in regards to the costs of loving what you build with Aspirations Inc. As with all great ventures, there is flow of abundance that comes in and must also go out in order to sustain overall abundance.  

Associate Fees 

$ 90/month

Includes the reservation of a fully furnished and functional therapy space on the days of your choice that match your actual in-person client load.

Includes basic office usage such as use of our photocopier, a telephone w/ designated confidential voicemail, designated email, and company and guest Wifi. 

As an Associate you are an integral team member who is ready to take on a lead role in growing Aspirations, provide collaboration and collegial support during our mandatory 2 hour monthly meetings, grow strong connections, share wisdom and hold sacred space for continual personal and professional growth.

cliNical Fees


A percentage of your collected revenue from services you have provided will pay your monthly clinical fees to Aspirations Inc.

Focus on building your clientele while our highly developed, proprietary systems make it easy for you to manage your business administrative work flow.

Showcase your profile, your specialized talents, and your services within our system to attract the clients that match your unique offerings - enhancing quality client care and experience for both you and your clients.

  Full use of our Integral brand and branded materials to build your clientele.

Key Considerations

Business Orientated

To become an Associate with Aspirations Inc. you must be passionate and invested in growing what you LOVE in Business. You may have already been in business yourself for sometime or starting out in private practice - either way you have a vision for your practice and plans have been formulated AND you would like to work alongside others who are building and living their dream. Our associates are solely responsible to make progress towards the success they envision for themselves. Our collective strength is demonstrated by the way we share and support each other along the way. We hold gratitude for the unique viewpoints and approaches, which fosters personal and professional growth, and abundance for each member and our group collectively. 

dream big - take action - live your dream!


Although you will receive all of the benefits of operating and growing your practice under our brand, as as Associate you will have the option to buyout any aspect of your practice that you have created following your 3-5 year contract period.

What you bring into Aspirations Inc. at the time of contract - remains your intellectual property or business rights. For example, if you join our team with an established client base - you retain rights to that base if you ever choose to leave!   

leave with what you bring!


We grow - You grow - We all grow Together. Being part of a team who are business and growth minded - means that we are there for each other in all of our growing pains and celebrations! We offer to hear each others new brilliant ideas, ask tough questions for further consideration and exploration, support personal check-ins and encourage each other to challenge our fears/roadblocks, lean on each other and lift each other up when we are feeling discouraged, and laugh out loud as we enjoy the whole messy process of growth. 

CONNECTED while we grow! 

Frequently asked questions

Who can successfully become an Associate member?

Associate members with Aspirations Inc. are held by Registered Psychologists who are committed to building a clientele in a private practice setting over a long duration. Associates would have been connected to Aspirations for at least 6 months as a Service Provider before applying to become an Associate member. They hold shared values yet bring their own unique spark to the practice, all which serve to plant roots and grow to their highest potential. 

How long are the contract terms for an Associate?

Associates are committed to building practice with Aspirations Inc. over their career. Therefore, contract periods are between 3 - 5 years.

What are the ways I can join the team?

Registered Psychologists can join Aspirations as an Associate member or a Service Provider. Registered Provisional Psychologists can become a Service Provider with various Psychologists in Business (PiB) training options. Registered Psychologists can also explore our Psychologists in Business (PiB) Training offerings that include on-demand courses or one-one consultation packages.  

How is client file rights/responsibilities determined ?

When an Associate member joins and brings in an existing clientele into the practice, those pre-existing clients will be absorbed into Aspirations Inc. practice for the duration of time that the Associate remains within the practice. Any pre-existing clients would be released back into the Associates care upon departure/contract termination, placing any future client file responsibility soley upon the Associate. 

Can I offer virtual services?

Absolutely! Aspirations has been offering virtual services since November 2019, pre-pandemic. This area of practice has grown even stronger over the pandemic. We recommend you to set up your own virtual room using our branded background. Additionally, Aspirations has a zoom virtual room that can be rented out for a nominal fee if you require multiple people to join in for a session or group. 

What would be required as an Associate?

Associates must be dedicated to Business Growth. They must demonstrate concrete plans of how they plan to create GROWTH at Aspirations, including reaching desired clinical numbers, matching talents to establish a LEAD role in certain aspects of Aspirations Business goals/operations, or by adding new services/products.  

It is TIME to GROW

 your Beautifully Unique Practice!  
